What is a Modern Medicine Woman?

Archetypically, the 'Medicine Woman' is seen as the healer, the wise woman, the wild woman, the shamanka, the witch, the herbalist, the visionary, the seer, the intuitive, the mystic, the priestess, and the ceremonialist. Yet, the Modern Medicine Woman has skillfully adjusted her Being, presence and practices to the current times, to what is required for the greatest good of all, a return to wholeness.


Traditionally, the Medicine Woman holds many unique gifts, from energy healing to expanded states of consciousness; she can sense the many realms of existence while connecting deep into the hearts of others. Her passion is to serve and restore harmony, balance and healing to humanity and the Earth. Her gifts of vision, insight and healing were honoured and integrated into the lives of those she served. She is bringing wisdom and humility, divination and oracle gifts through guidance from Spirit. Throughout time, she has tended the sacred feminine rituals and ceremonies, honouring the Earth's moon cycles, seasons, and fertility. Her far-seeing shamanic vision was ancient medicine of the soul. Her myths and stories restored meaning and truth to even the most profound suffering. She holds the keys to the divine sacred union between masculine and feminine.

Historically, she was punished, denied, suppressed and nearly forgotten! However, there is a global reawakening, rebirthing, and re-emerging as the Modern Medicine Woman. Millions of women encapsulate this archetype within their cells, hearts and wombs. Carrying the memories of their former lives, they lived expressing their gifts and powers in service. The Medicine Woman is emerging and rising again into the complexity of the modern world; she is ready to be embraced as an authentic and passionate expression of feminine power.

The Medicine Woman

The Modern Medicine Woman can be found everywhere: teachers, healers, counsellors, guides, coaches, ceremony holders, social activists, entrepreneurs, visionaries, communicators, and artists. The Medicine Woman archetype is present and active in private and public circles. Time has come to remember who we are and reawaken our innate powers and passion; in doing so, our work will bring much-needed balance and healing to the world.
Returning to the path of wholeness, meaning, and purpose requires integrating our shadow and accepting our parts and aspects. Through this balance of polarities, light and shadow, like the sun and the moon, we can shine from that place of luminosity. The Modern Medicine Woman is connected to the land, her bloodline and her ancestors, grounded in her beauty and radiance, aware of her power and wisdom, sensual and intense.


Honouring the cycles and cadence of creation while connecting to the ancestors, mother earth, father sky and great Spirit, recognising her body as the sacred vessel that holds her inner light.

Aspects of Shamanism

Connection with Nature

Shamanism stems from nature itself. Shamanic practice tap into the power Mother Earth has to offer; the ancient teachings are derived from the simple truths of nature.

Healing of Self & Community

Shamanism is concerned with the individual's health and the entire community's health. This includes all people, plants, animals, and all of life.

Spiritual Practice

Daily spiritual practice allows for the continued and exponential growth of both body and soul. The goal is to create internal and external harmony with all creation.

Pilgrimages to sacred places

Shamanism is an intrinsic part of learning to approach and connect with sacred places. We reawaken and invigorate the land's energy by honouring natural wonders like rivers, lakes, mountains, and caves.

Vision & Ceremony

Ceremonies to honour the spirits of nature help promote harmony and balance. The path of Shamanism never ends. It is believed that so long as these ceremonies continue, the world will go on.

The Medicine Wheel

The Medicine Wheel, Medicine Circle or Mandala has been used for thousands of years worldwide as a fundamental shamanic map and cross-cultural tool to navigate the flow of life. Understanding how to work well with the energies of the different directions can mean the difference between feeling peaceful, supported, precise and effortless versus feeling unsupported, chaotic and struggling.


An intention is a directed impulse of consciousness that contains the seed form you aim to create. Like natural seeds, intentions can't grow if you hold on to them. Only when you release your intentions into the fertile depths of your consciousness can they grow and flourish. Everything that happens in the universe begins with intention.

Altered States of Consciousness

Shamanic healers have utilised methods to produce altered states of consciousness in themselves and their patients for thousands of years. These methods include gong healing, sonic vibrations, drumming, rattling, chanting, breathwork, movement and ecstatic dance, among other means of changing consciousness. Recent research on non-drug methods to produce altered states has revealed that they probably work by changing the subjects' brainwaves to enter an alpha state and become more susceptible to suggestion. A reasonable conclusion is that Shamanic healers have developed reliable methods since ancient times, so the recipients are more susceptible to suggestions that will facilitate healing, inner balance and guidance they were seeking.

Shamanic Journeying

The art of journeying into the spirit realm is easier than you may think; all it takes is imagination and the ability to follow the thread of your inner vision. Using a drum or rattle, a unique and powerful guided journey, diving deep into the unconscious mind is transformational and highly effective. Natural healing happens within this dimension; a person can access information, guidance, knowledge and connect to their innate wisdom. Julia assists you as you step into your shamanic journey and guides you when needed to discover your spirit guides and power animals for our healing.

Soul Retrieval

Soul retrieval is a way of remembering who we are, reconnecting to lost parts of ourselves. Rediscovering our innate gifts, our personal power and becoming whole again. In life, traumatic events can cause parts of our soul, our energy body to split off, but they still exist in the spirit realms.

Julia is able to journey into the spirit realm and recover these soul parts for you. Alternatively, Julia can guide you on a Shamanic Journey to retrieve these soul parts yourself, and teach you how to re-integrate them successfully.

Plant Medicine ~ Cacao

Raw Cacao has been used to heal the mental, physical, and spiritual body for centuries. It is a natural and ancient plant medicine with a high concentration of vitamins, minerals and is a powerful antioxidant. Cacao also increases blood flow (oxygen and nutrients) to the brain and induces the release of feel-good endorphins. It enhances the immune system and lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. Cacao is often used to alter your perspective, enabling you to recognise and let go of repeated patterns, habits, release energetic blockages and what no longer serves you. Cacao gives you a burst of energy that helps you focus and improve your memory and is a significant creativity enhancer and facilitator of deep inner meditation and connections.

Cacao Ceremony

The cacao ceremony is an ancient practice to access the spiritual realms whilst still in full connection with this reality. Cacao ceremonies are part of shamanic healing – one of the oldest holistic healing practices used by indigenous cultures worldwide. These healing ceremonies work with rebalancing energies in the body to regain health. Cacao is the medicine that gently touches your heart and guides you into an inner journey deep into the emotional centre of your body, Anahata, the heart chakra.

Hollow Bone Healing

To act as a Hollow Bone is to be a pure channel for spiritual healing energy; Julia lives a spiritual life of daily yoga, chanting, meditation, energy cleansing rituals and a seasonal Ayurvedic diet.

Reiki Master & The 13th Rite of the Munay Ki ~ offering herself as a channel for your healing and connecting to Source of all that brings a flow of light energy to assist the healing of your energy body.

Yogini in The Yurt ~ Greenwich

Shamanic Session 90 minutes £90
Shamanic Session 120 minutes £110

The Light Centre ~ Marylebone

Shamanic Session 90 minutes £120
Shamanic Session 120 minutes £150

Therapeutic Shamanism

One to one Shamanic Healing sessions are highly beneficial for those:

  • Wanting to explore their truth and purpose further

  • Exploring the spiritual & human connection

  • Experiencing an awakening

  • Needing spiritual or life guidance

  • Needing to integrate a significant life change or event

  • Feeling at a crossroads, lost or stuck in life

  • Needing to align and centre, finding balance within

  • Amid a grieving process


Shamanic Modern Medicine Woman, my role is to guide you home to your Self ...

For you to step into your potential, to remember wholeness, know and recognise your truth, open your heart, and align to the highest vibration and best version of yourself.

Sessions are adjusted and augmented throughout our time together to heal core wounding and achieve your alchemy and transformation. The purpose of this process of Shamanic Alchemy lies in bringing balance and challenging beliefs to create an enhanced life experience to access your full potential.

Each session is entirely unique and, as an idea, can entail several healing modalities, energy rebalancing & release, past life clearing, soul retrieval, healing, spiritual awakening, grounding or envisioning - depending on what is required by you.

I aim to empower you to discover your answers by creating a safe container, enabling you to hear your inner guidance and wisdom, and providing you with all the shamanic tools you need to thrive. Using a combination of Cacao Medicine, Shamanic Journeying and Oracle cards, by shining light and awareness onto the shadows of past traumas that are holding you back, reignite your passion and purpose, enabling you to discover a deeper understanding of yourself.

It is possible that you may experience an emotional release, such as crying, shaking, feeling cold or hot, feeling nauseous, as your body and psyche rid themselves of the blocked energy and create space for new, more loving experiences.


"As a channel for Spirit, I create space for you to recognise & step into wholeness, true potential, to thrive in truth, light and love".


Julia's journey as a Healing Arts Practitioner began in 1994;

Since then, Julia has travelled the globe studying, integrating & embodying a plethora of healing techniques & modalities, encompassing Mind, Body & Spirit. Deeply connected to Mother Earth, the rhythms of nature, and life cycles, As a Modern Medicine Woman, Shamanic Practitioner & Healer, Holder of Sacred Space, Ceremonies & Rites of Passage, Divinator & Visionary. Julia specialises in woman's health & wellbeing, facilitating a return to balance & wholeness.

Further to sessions of Shamanic Energy Medicine and other healing modalities, Julia offers various ceremonial practices, including Cacao Ceremonies, Fire Ceremonies, Despacho, Rites of Passage, 13th Rites of The Womb, Home & Space Clearings.